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Book Review of Cheeni Bodh Yatri Fahiyan Ki Bharat Yatra | Bahujan Sahitya

About Author

The Book review of Cheeni Bodh Yatri Fahiyan Ki Bharat Yatra “The Chinese Buddhist Traveller Fahiyan’s Journey to India in Search of Buddha” This book is authored by Fahiyan. In 1918 this book was published by Kashi. In 2019, the second edition of this book was published with the editorship of Shanti Swarup Boudh Ji, in this book Dr Rajendra Prasad Singh writes the foreword. The author, translator, and editor of this book are no anymore alive in this world.

Review Preface

Babasaheb Ambedkar always used to say this thing in meetings “Community who does not know its history, can never write history”. Therefore, it becomes very important to know our history, not to stick to it but to learn from it. The foreign writers have contributed more to the history of India than that of Indian writers. The foreign ambassadors who came during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya yesterday, we have proof, but I believe that even before that, foreign people must have been coming to Jambudweep. Some of them have given a detailed description of India in their travelogue, based on which India’s History has been written.

Book review

Book review of Cheeni Bodh Yatri Fahiyan Ki Bharat Yatra, We do not know when the effect of the work we do and how much it will be. Sometimes a simple task becomes so big that it is not only recorded in history but it becomes the foundation of the history of many countries, A traveller leaves China in search of the scriptures of Buddha. His intention is only that he will bring the texts of Buddha Dhamma from India to China and will promote it in the Chinese Buddha Sangh, this is the beginning of Fahiyan’s journey and this journey continues for 15 years. During the journey. Fahiyan goes to the 30 districts. The author gives the details of what he saw and heard during the journey, what challenges came during the journey, on which river, in which district, how the people live, what were their livelihoods and how they pickle thoughts and how everything is recorded, so on & so forth.

When you read this book, you will be surprised that big Buddha Viharas, Stupas, and Sangharams are present on every plan, thousands of Buddhist Bikku live there, this book proves to what level Buddha Dhamma was spread in India. The author has used the word Brahman in very selected places in this book, at what level have Brahmins adulterated Buddhist texts. It can be assumed from the fact that the author is not found in Pali and Prakrit languages, but in the Sanskrit language meet. From this book, you will get 4 types of information, one is what the author has seen, the second that the author has heard, the third is what the translator has mixed and the editor’s comment will be found at the bottom of every page, which is a crucial highlight of the text.

Book quality & availability

This book is available in Hindi and English language. the book was published by Samyak Prakashan in Hindi and in English by different publication houses. It is available in paperback as well as hardcover. It is also available on Amazon.

Book review by Rajat Mourya and edited by Shilpi Kishore.

Cheeni Bodh Yatri Fahiyan Ki Bharat Yatra | in Hindi | Book Review | Bahujan Sahitya

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